I missed 2 days this week. So forgive me for being a bit behind. But here is what God has blessed me with this week:
2 Kings 5:15 Then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God. He stood before him and said, "Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel..."
Here, really it is the order of events that particularly jumps out at me. I've always thought it was cool that in order to be healed he had to humble himself. In typical fashion, I'm getting of the subject of this verse a little bit, but I've always been fascinated how much spiritual growth occurs simply by humbling ourselves. When we acknowledge how big God is then we see a huge need for him in our lives.
2 Kings 17:7-8 All this took place because the Israelites had sinned against the LORD their God, who had brought them up out of Egypt from under the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt. They worshiped other gods and followed the practices of the nations the LORD had driven out before them, as well as the practices that the kings of Israel had introduces.
I can't remember who originated this statement, but there is a quote out there that says "You can either live for God or die for yourself." The LORD judged the people of Israel because they copied the surrounding nations and worshiped other gods and welcomed pagan customs. God has never given us a reason not to trust him, yet we often turn out back on him. So here, we see exactly why Israel was exiled, because of their sin.
2 Kings 17:15 ...They followed worthless idols and themselves became worthless...
I love this description of what happens when we follow other Gods in our life. We become worthless. The other idols that we chase are worthless, and we become worthless too. This one verse can preach many sermons.
2 Kings 17:18 ...removed them from his presence...
Wow, powerful.
2 Kings 17:37 You must always be careful to keep the decrees and ordinances, the laws and commands he wrote for you.
Just a friendly reminder that we could all use everyday :-)
2 Kings 17:41 Even while these people were worshiping the LORD, they were serving their idols.
One of the most powerful lessons I have taught to this day combined this verse with "no one can serve to masters". While this verse may seem kind of weird at first, we do it all the time. We claim to follow God with all of our heart yet we also have our secret sins and addictions. We must give the LORD 100% of our life.
2 Kings 19:19 Now, O LORD our God, deliver us from his hand, so that all kingdoms on earth may know that you alone, O LORD, are God.
I love Hezekiah, he's one of my favorite Old Testament characters. His prayer is also a great and powerful prayer. A good one to mark! I won't go into the many reasons why, but trust me that if you read it you will be blessed.
God Bless!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
What's happening?
Time to spill the beans on what has been happening the past 2 weeks.
I wish there was some great, aesthetic way of saying this. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a word doctor. Jenny's school is letting her go. It has nothing to do with job performance. But due to tough economic times in the school, they decided to let her, and 7 other teachers go (the 8 teachers with least experience).
It's been almost exactly a year ago (March 15, 2008) when we moved into our beloved home. She and I both had a respectable income and we were as happy as can be.
Needless to say, a little has changed. We feel pretty confident that Jenny can get another teaching job. We've talked to a few people "high up the ladder" who claim that there won't be much movement, but there still should be some. She's already had an interview with another school. If this works out then we'll be looking at several thousand dollars less in salary.
I'm not asking for a pity party. We'll be fine. We'll be cutting back on some of our expenses, but don't worry. Neither of us have ever been big spenders and we don't plan on changing that. Just give us the necessities and we'll be happy. We've done some tweaking on our family budget and (if Jenny gets this lesser paying job) it looks like we can keep the house.
I haven't been in the ministry "business" very long, but one thing I've noticed is how people's theology will change based on life experiences. The biggest and best example I can think of is the case with divorce/remarriage. I'll hear very humble, Godly people have a pretty firm stance on what they believe regarding divorce and remarriage. But then it happens to them (or someone close to them) and their stance completely changes.
I now read political blogs a little differently. I read various blog posts about the economy and the analysis of our leaders' attempts to fix it. I would casually read statements like "80% of the foreclosures in the past year are a result of buying a house one cannot afford, not the economy". I used to have a big soapbox about the spending habits of America. How it has become a cultural norm to spend more in a year than a family makes.
I would usually end that soapbox with this video.
My stance hasn't changed on that. Even though our income will be significantly less, we plan on strictly following our family budget and saving close to 7-10% of our income, not counting retirement.
No, my stance hasn't changed, just how I read political blogs. The economy is affecting those who make good financing choices too.
I'll end by reciting a statement from a week and a half ago: I worry about what I can control. Not what I can't.
We can't control what happened to Jenny. But we can control how we respond to it.
Anybody know of any teacher openings in the Lowndes County area?
I wish there was some great, aesthetic way of saying this. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a word doctor. Jenny's school is letting her go. It has nothing to do with job performance. But due to tough economic times in the school, they decided to let her, and 7 other teachers go (the 8 teachers with least experience).
It's been almost exactly a year ago (March 15, 2008) when we moved into our beloved home. She and I both had a respectable income and we were as happy as can be.
Needless to say, a little has changed. We feel pretty confident that Jenny can get another teaching job. We've talked to a few people "high up the ladder" who claim that there won't be much movement, but there still should be some. She's already had an interview with another school. If this works out then we'll be looking at several thousand dollars less in salary.
I'm not asking for a pity party. We'll be fine. We'll be cutting back on some of our expenses, but don't worry. Neither of us have ever been big spenders and we don't plan on changing that. Just give us the necessities and we'll be happy. We've done some tweaking on our family budget and (if Jenny gets this lesser paying job) it looks like we can keep the house.
I haven't been in the ministry "business" very long, but one thing I've noticed is how people's theology will change based on life experiences. The biggest and best example I can think of is the case with divorce/remarriage. I'll hear very humble, Godly people have a pretty firm stance on what they believe regarding divorce and remarriage. But then it happens to them (or someone close to them) and their stance completely changes.
I now read political blogs a little differently. I read various blog posts about the economy and the analysis of our leaders' attempts to fix it. I would casually read statements like "80% of the foreclosures in the past year are a result of buying a house one cannot afford, not the economy". I used to have a big soapbox about the spending habits of America. How it has become a cultural norm to spend more in a year than a family makes.
I would usually end that soapbox with this video.
My stance hasn't changed on that. Even though our income will be significantly less, we plan on strictly following our family budget and saving close to 7-10% of our income, not counting retirement.
No, my stance hasn't changed, just how I read political blogs. The economy is affecting those who make good financing choices too.
I'll end by reciting a statement from a week and a half ago: I worry about what I can control. Not what I can't.
We can't control what happened to Jenny. But we can control how we respond to it.
Anybody know of any teacher openings in the Lowndes County area?
Friday, March 20, 2009
Spring Training
I don't do this much. Not near as much as I should. But instead of babbling about my opinions I figured I might just share my adventurous trip to Florida to catch some MLB Spring Training. This is pretty much an annual trip for me, but this is my first time doing it with someone else and also my first time making it a multiple day trip.
This past Monday I met John in Florida for 4 games. He had seen some the previous few days, but I joined him Monday-Wednesday. Two of the four games were Braves vs. Mets. We also squeezed in the Cardinals vs. Tigers on Monday and the Pirates vs. Yankees on Tuesday.

The weather was nearly perfect. The sun wasn't blasting on us, but spent the majority of the week behind the clouds. A slight breeze was the perfect touch.

I got Terry Pendleton's autograph.

Of course, I accomplished many things that I hoped I would. I saw Tommy Hanson pitch. And I saw Freeman and Heyward hit.
On Hanson:
Obviously I'm not a major league scout. But I saw pretty much what I expected to see. Hanson (along with Heyward) is an enourmous dude. He's listed at 6'6" but after seeing him in person with many other players on the field, I think they might need to remeasure. This heighth has its pros and cons. One of the main cons: Hanson has to work much harder to get the ball down (since he is so tall).
Throughout his outing the Mets were spanking Tommy Hanson pitches to the warning track. He, true to form, was up in the zone and the Mets were teeing off, especially in the first few innings. While only one of them was a homer, it certainly raises an eyebrow that batters frequently were hitting it very hard and very far (albeit many were outs.) I shared with John my concern about what might happen if Hanson were to start in Colorado, Houston, Philly, Texas, or any other HR friendly park.
I'm kind of ignoring the fact that Beltran and Delgado weren't in the lineup. That would only add to my worries.
Of course, I have just as many positive things to say about what I saw in Hanson. That Curveball....WOW!!!! It reminds me of that big, whooping Barry Zito curveball that we would see 5 years ago, only from the other side.
I have a picture of Hanson pitching...but haven't uploaded it yet. Just pretend it's here.
Now, onto Heyward. Heyward only got 3 at-bats (I think) in the 2 Braves games I saw. All 3 of those at-bats have something in common - he crushed the ball. He didn't always reach safely but everything he hit was hard and loud. If I were an infielder I would fear a Jason Heyward groundball. If I were a thirdbaseman (or first) then my knees would shake knowing that Heyward can get that ball to my teeth in less than half a second.
I'd certainly like to watch those kind of outs more than the patented "Frenchy popup" or the even more frustrating "swing-and-miss-at-a-helmet-high-fastball" Even if Heyward wasn't in the equation, Frenchy should still have to earn his at-bats. But if Heyward gets to Mississippi and puts up huge numbers while Frenchy hits a weak .230 with the big club then we'll have some drama.
Once again, I have a picture of Heyward batting, but its on my other camera. Pretend it is here...
This is just off the top of my head, so if I'm inaccurate then forgive me, but I really think the leader in hits amongst the games I saw was Schafer. I don't see us carrying all 3 of Anderson/Blanco/Schafer. All 3 have their ups and downs, it'll be interesting to see what Cox/Wren decide. I have my opinion, but I suppose another post would be more appropriate for that.
You guessed it...my picture of Schafer will go here.
Anyways, I had a glorious time at Spring Training this week. Special thanks to John Wright for coming with me.
This past Monday I met John in Florida for 4 games. He had seen some the previous few days, but I joined him Monday-Wednesday. Two of the four games were Braves vs. Mets. We also squeezed in the Cardinals vs. Tigers on Monday and the Pirates vs. Yankees on Tuesday.
The weather was nearly perfect. The sun wasn't blasting on us, but spent the majority of the week behind the clouds. A slight breeze was the perfect touch.
I got Terry Pendleton's autograph.
Of course, I accomplished many things that I hoped I would. I saw Tommy Hanson pitch. And I saw Freeman and Heyward hit.
On Hanson:
Obviously I'm not a major league scout. But I saw pretty much what I expected to see. Hanson (along with Heyward) is an enourmous dude. He's listed at 6'6" but after seeing him in person with many other players on the field, I think they might need to remeasure. This heighth has its pros and cons. One of the main cons: Hanson has to work much harder to get the ball down (since he is so tall).
Throughout his outing the Mets were spanking Tommy Hanson pitches to the warning track. He, true to form, was up in the zone and the Mets were teeing off, especially in the first few innings. While only one of them was a homer, it certainly raises an eyebrow that batters frequently were hitting it very hard and very far (albeit many were outs.) I shared with John my concern about what might happen if Hanson were to start in Colorado, Houston, Philly, Texas, or any other HR friendly park.
I'm kind of ignoring the fact that Beltran and Delgado weren't in the lineup. That would only add to my worries.
Of course, I have just as many positive things to say about what I saw in Hanson. That Curveball....WOW!!!! It reminds me of that big, whooping Barry Zito curveball that we would see 5 years ago, only from the other side.
I have a picture of Hanson pitching...but haven't uploaded it yet. Just pretend it's here.
Now, onto Heyward. Heyward only got 3 at-bats (I think) in the 2 Braves games I saw. All 3 of those at-bats have something in common - he crushed the ball. He didn't always reach safely but everything he hit was hard and loud. If I were an infielder I would fear a Jason Heyward groundball. If I were a thirdbaseman (or first) then my knees would shake knowing that Heyward can get that ball to my teeth in less than half a second.
I'd certainly like to watch those kind of outs more than the patented "Frenchy popup" or the even more frustrating "swing-and-miss-at-a-helmet-high-fastball" Even if Heyward wasn't in the equation, Frenchy should still have to earn his at-bats. But if Heyward gets to Mississippi and puts up huge numbers while Frenchy hits a weak .230 with the big club then we'll have some drama.
Once again, I have a picture of Heyward batting, but its on my other camera. Pretend it is here...
This is just off the top of my head, so if I'm inaccurate then forgive me, but I really think the leader in hits amongst the games I saw was Schafer. I don't see us carrying all 3 of Anderson/Blanco/Schafer. All 3 have their ups and downs, it'll be interesting to see what Cox/Wren decide. I have my opinion, but I suppose another post would be more appropriate for that.
You guessed it...my picture of Schafer will go here.
Anyways, I had a glorious time at Spring Training this week. Special thanks to John Wright for coming with me.
The Highlighter [1 Kings 4 - 2 Kings 4]
Here's what blessed me in my reading this week...I'm not going to give a lot of commentary this week, but there is little doubt that these verses stuck out to me for a number of reasons.
1 Kings 8:51 for they are your people and your inheritance,
1 Kings 8:61 But our hearts must be fully committed to the LORD our God, to live by his decrees and obey his commands, as at this time.
I pray that God helps me be fully committed. Not partially or halfway, but fully. It's easy to commit to God part of our hearts...but giving him all of it requires sacrifices that we are often unwilling to make.
1 Kings 9:4 As for you, if you walk before me in integrity of heart and uprightness, as David your father did, and do all I command and observe my decrees and laws, I will establish your royal throne over Israel forever, as I promised David your father when I said, 'You shall never fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.
1 Kings 10:9 Because of the LORD's eternal love for Israel...
1 Kings 18:36b-37 O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. Answer me, O LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, O LORD, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again."
I've always loved Elijah's prayer for many reasons.
God Bless!
1 Kings 8:51 for they are your people and your inheritance,
1 Kings 8:61 But our hearts must be fully committed to the LORD our God, to live by his decrees and obey his commands, as at this time.
I pray that God helps me be fully committed. Not partially or halfway, but fully. It's easy to commit to God part of our hearts...but giving him all of it requires sacrifices that we are often unwilling to make.
1 Kings 9:4 As for you, if you walk before me in integrity of heart and uprightness, as David your father did, and do all I command and observe my decrees and laws, I will establish your royal throne over Israel forever, as I promised David your father when I said, 'You shall never fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.
1 Kings 10:9 Because of the LORD's eternal love for Israel...
1 Kings 18:36b-37 O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. Answer me, O LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, O LORD, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again."
I've always loved Elijah's prayer for many reasons.
God Bless!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The Highlighter [2 Samuel 3 - 1 Kings 3]
This week I read 2 Samuel 3 - 1 Kings 3]
2 Samuel 13:2, 15 Amnon became frustrated to the point of illness...Then Amnon hated her with intense hatred. In fact, he hated her more than he had loved her, Amnon said to her, "Get up and get out!"
I know I touched on this a bit last week, but again we notice that when we get what we want...we often aren't happy with it. In Amnon's case, he got what he wanted (Tamar) and it resulted in hatred. We must know and understand what brings us true joy.
2 Samuel 14:14b But God does not take away life; instead, he devises ways so that a banished person my not remain estranged from him.
We could spend a long time talking about this verse. It's very though provoking.
2 Samuel 21:1 ...David sought the face of the LORD...
I love that phrase!
2 Samuel 22:2-4
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer,
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield and the horn of my salvation.
He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior -
from violent men you save me.
I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise,
and I am saved from my enemies.
This is David's song that he sang to the LORD after being delivered from the hands of enemies. This is a good verse to flip to if you are ever in a time of struggle or conflict.
1 Kings 2:2 So be strong, show yourself a man, and observe what the LORD your God requires: Walk in his ways and keep his decrees and commands, his laws and requirements, as written in the Law of Moses, so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go,
This is David's "passing the torch" speech to his son, Solomon. What great advice this would be to pass around!
God Bless!
2 Samuel 13:2, 15 Amnon became frustrated to the point of illness...Then Amnon hated her with intense hatred. In fact, he hated her more than he had loved her, Amnon said to her, "Get up and get out!"
I know I touched on this a bit last week, but again we notice that when we get what we want...we often aren't happy with it. In Amnon's case, he got what he wanted (Tamar) and it resulted in hatred. We must know and understand what brings us true joy.
2 Samuel 14:14b But God does not take away life; instead, he devises ways so that a banished person my not remain estranged from him.
We could spend a long time talking about this verse. It's very though provoking.
2 Samuel 21:1 ...David sought the face of the LORD...
I love that phrase!
2 Samuel 22:2-4
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer,
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield and the horn of my salvation.
He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior -
from violent men you save me.
I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise,
and I am saved from my enemies.
This is David's song that he sang to the LORD after being delivered from the hands of enemies. This is a good verse to flip to if you are ever in a time of struggle or conflict.
1 Kings 2:2 So be strong, show yourself a man, and observe what the LORD your God requires: Walk in his ways and keep his decrees and commands, his laws and requirements, as written in the Law of Moses, so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go,
This is David's "passing the torch" speech to his son, Solomon. What great advice this would be to pass around!
God Bless!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I'm gonna put The Highlighter on hold for now...(possibly tomorrow??). I've got something else on my mind I'd rather talk about right now.
Today was one of the most shocking, scary, horrible days I've had in in quite some time (possibly ever).
I don't want to get into too many details, due to privacy, but when the time comes all will be revealed. We are currently in the process of telling our immediate family.
I believe firmly that we should only worry about the things we can control. I'm gonna be repeating that over and over again throughout the next few weeks. I've got that phrase posted by my computer in the office to help me.
I realize this is one of those posts that will leave my audience hanging, and for that I apologize. I've probably presented you with more questions than answers, again, I'm sorry.
When the time is right, all will be revealed.
Please Pray!
Today was one of the most shocking, scary, horrible days I've had in in quite some time (possibly ever).
I don't want to get into too many details, due to privacy, but when the time comes all will be revealed. We are currently in the process of telling our immediate family.
I believe firmly that we should only worry about the things we can control. I'm gonna be repeating that over and over again throughout the next few weeks. I've got that phrase posted by my computer in the office to help me.
I realize this is one of those posts that will leave my audience hanging, and for that I apologize. I've probably presented you with more questions than answers, again, I'm sorry.
When the time is right, all will be revealed.
Please Pray!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Highlighter [1 Samuel 6 - 2 Samuel 2]
This past week I read 1 Samuel 6 through 2 Samuel 2. Here is what particularly stuck out to me...
1 Samuel 12:21 - Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless.
When it comes to idolatry, I believe it's worth mentioning that idolatry never really accomplishes what we want it to. Let me explain. Contrary to what I hear quite often, idolatry doesn't just occur in the OT. It still occurs in 2009. Although instead of worshiping golden statues and fountains, we are worshiping our status, fame, money, [insert your favorite material object].
But it never accomplishes what we want it to. We want these things to make us happy. We convince ourselves "If I put this new mega-booming-super-sonic stereo in my car, then I'll be happy." So we save up. We work that extra hour, bag that extra bag of groceries, flip that extra burger, till finally we have the money we need. We purchase this stereo. Then we live happily ever after. Until...
We see that other stereo. One that is even more mega, more booming, more supersonic than the one we recently purchased. All of a sudden, we aren't so happy.
See what I mean? It doesn't accomplish what Satan wants us to think it accomplishes. Solomon says it better than I can ever say it...whoever loves money never has money enough...(Eccl 5:10)
This particular verse in 2 Samuel ends with the phrase because they are useless. Useless. That's powerful.
Obviously, and I think this goes without mentioning (but I suppose I'll mention it anyways) we know we aren't going to be thrown into the eternal fire for purchasing a stereo. But no matter where we are in our walk with Jesus, we ALL need reminders that only Jesus brings us eternal hope and joy.
1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
It's hard for me to talk about this verse without mentioning the lyrics of one of my favorite Contemporary Christian songs growing up. So I'll just point you to the lyrics and avoid being repetitive. (By the way, it's truly an awesome song!)
1 Samuel 23:2 he inquired of the LORD, saying, "Shall I go and attack these Philistines?"
I love that phrase inquired of the LORD. It occurs frequently throughout both 1 and 2 Samuel, but I'll just mention it here.
1 Samuel 30:6 But David found strength in the LORD his God.
Amen. What is our true source of strength?
I love the David story. I've always thought that the David story, if done properly, would make an incredible movie.
Grace and Peace!
1 Samuel 12:21 - Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless.
When it comes to idolatry, I believe it's worth mentioning that idolatry never really accomplishes what we want it to. Let me explain. Contrary to what I hear quite often, idolatry doesn't just occur in the OT. It still occurs in 2009. Although instead of worshiping golden statues and fountains, we are worshiping our status, fame, money, [insert your favorite material object].
But it never accomplishes what we want it to. We want these things to make us happy. We convince ourselves "If I put this new mega-booming-super-sonic stereo in my car, then I'll be happy." So we save up. We work that extra hour, bag that extra bag of groceries, flip that extra burger, till finally we have the money we need. We purchase this stereo. Then we live happily ever after. Until...
We see that other stereo. One that is even more mega, more booming, more supersonic than the one we recently purchased. All of a sudden, we aren't so happy.
See what I mean? It doesn't accomplish what Satan wants us to think it accomplishes. Solomon says it better than I can ever say it...whoever loves money never has money enough...(Eccl 5:10)
This particular verse in 2 Samuel ends with the phrase because they are useless. Useless. That's powerful.
Obviously, and I think this goes without mentioning (but I suppose I'll mention it anyways) we know we aren't going to be thrown into the eternal fire for purchasing a stereo. But no matter where we are in our walk with Jesus, we ALL need reminders that only Jesus brings us eternal hope and joy.
1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
It's hard for me to talk about this verse without mentioning the lyrics of one of my favorite Contemporary Christian songs growing up. So I'll just point you to the lyrics and avoid being repetitive. (By the way, it's truly an awesome song!)
1 Samuel 23:2 he inquired of the LORD, saying, "Shall I go and attack these Philistines?"
I love that phrase inquired of the LORD. It occurs frequently throughout both 1 and 2 Samuel, but I'll just mention it here.
1 Samuel 30:6 But David found strength in the LORD his God.
Amen. What is our true source of strength?
I love the David story. I've always thought that the David story, if done properly, would make an incredible movie.
Grace and Peace!
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