Saturday, April 7, 2007

Cop A Long

3 times this week I have witnessed the following scenario. Let me know if this is familiar or if I am the only one who ever notices...

I'm sitting in my car at a red light. I hear sirens. Almost immediately, I seek to locate the sirens. I look forward, left, right, and in the rear view mirror. I see the policeman. He is a several cars behind me, weaves back and forth between the lanes...gets to the far left side of the road. Runs the redlight and then...shuts his siren off.

Three times this week I have seen a cop use his siren to simply get him/her through a red light. My initial thought when this happens is, "Wow, thats kind of jerky to do". Why do cops do that? It seem abusive of their authority.

Can a cop pull a cop over? Don't think I've ever seen it, but I don't see how it is not possible. What would happen if I would have run the redlight immediately after the cop runs it? Could I use what I witnessed to talk my way out of a ticket?

Another thought, I've seen this before. So why is it such a big deal to me? THREE TIMES THIS WEEK!!!!!! Is this national siren abuse week? I just don't get it. Any of you criminal justice buffs out there want to help me out on this, feel free to chime in. Perhaps I'm wrong (very unlikely, ha ha) but what I saw 3 times seemed to have tainted my view of security.

I'm not like most people. I don't hate cops. It is their job to protect the city. I find it ironic how many people hate cops. People hate cops, yet cops are paid to protect those who hate them. Why hate those who protect you. True, they give tickets, arrest, keep us from "having fun" but this is all to keep the city safer. But when they do this, they are just trying to keep the city a safer place to live and drive. Try this, next time a cop gives you a ticket, say to him/her, "thank you for giving me this ticket. I want this to be a safe place as much as you do." Wow, that one's tough.

When Jesus walked this earth, he came to seek and save. Yet, many people hated him for it. Similar to cops, people hated Jesus even though Jesus came for those who hated him. A man full of unconditional love was hated for....loving others!?!? He healed on the Sabbath, not to break the law, but show love to others. He was hated for this.

Neither case makes sense. Why hate cops because they protect us? Why hate Jesus because he saves? Think about that...

Unlike Christ, Cops make mistakes. I hope cops abusing their siren doesn't turn into a trend. It is obnoxious, but they still have my support in the long haul.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, they could have just been bored at the redlight or late for dinner or something. Cops are just people, and some abuse their power like any other group of people.

Then again, he could have gotten a call to a cold scene where the crime had been committed hours before with no immediate threat to citizens. he was just trying to get there as quickly as possible when there was no need to rush through traffic at breakneck speeds endangering citizens. If it was a long light, then he might have felt needed somewhere else. Cops are pretty useless if they're not mobile, either sitting in a doughnut shop or at a redlight.

John Wright said...

Cops probably have to deal with the temptation of abusing their power all the time. I'm sure it gets the better of some of them, and if they're really out there doing things like that, I hope there's a way for someone to stop them.