Originally, the diagnoses was that I dislocated my knee while swinging the bat in the 7th inning against Redland Baptist. Unfortunately, after waiting 10 days for the swelling to die down, my flexibility is still limited and the Dr's hunch is that I have a torn meniscus. I have a scheduled MRI to confirm his hunch later this week.
I'll be on crutches a bit more than I'd hoped for. No matter what the MRI says, I'm most likely going to have knee arthroscopic surgery (the MRI is to locate tear, that way he doesn't have to search after the incision.
Don't worry too much about me. It is an extremely common, low risk procedure, but please keep me in your thoughts and prayers the next couple weeks.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Let's watch something...
When you are at home with a bum knee, you realize more than ever how horrible daytime television is. I mean, think about it, I actually caught myself saying "Noooo.....with The Price is Right now having a commercial break, I'll be bored for the next 90-120 seconds." While talking to my sister, I realized that you're really desperate for some TV watchin when you get excited about Full House.
I mean, think about it. I had to choose from a handful of 90s sitcoms, the weather channel, reruns of Sportscenter, and 20 different channels telling me Paris Hilton is back in prison. Sheesh.
Apparently, the same thing is happening to the world of sports. Raf Vela, who posts on my favorite Dallas Cowboys blog, posted a nice little challenge to Mark Cuban. This challenge is basically to form his new football league to compete with the NBA and MLB. I'd summarize it, but I can't do a better job of making the point than Raf did, so go ahead and read it yourself.
I mean, think about it. I had to choose from a handful of 90s sitcoms, the weather channel, reruns of Sportscenter, and 20 different channels telling me Paris Hilton is back in prison. Sheesh.
Apparently, the same thing is happening to the world of sports. Raf Vela, who posts on my favorite Dallas Cowboys blog, posted a nice little challenge to Mark Cuban. This challenge is basically to form his new football league to compete with the NBA and MLB. I'd summarize it, but I can't do a better job of making the point than Raf did, so go ahead and read it yourself.
Friday, June 8, 2007
I'm always amazed at how quickly word gets spread...especially considering this happened less than 24 hours ago. But for those of you that don't know...I'm going to be walking around on crutches for the next 10 days. While playing softball yesterday I dislocated my knee. Everything's OK now, but still a lot of swelling and pain. Thanks for the prayers, I'll be back to my "normal" self in no time.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
No Way Out!
If you were to ask me if I was an NBA fan, I'd respond "yes". But do note: that is simply just a response. I grew up watching the Chicago Bulls a lot, but that was mostly because I was fascinated with how Michael Jordan could dominate a game by himself. Those days are long gone. Now it seems like there is at least 1-2 people on each team that dominate games by themselves. That, in my opinion, is why I don't like basketball much anymore. It's just a series of 1 on 1 or 2 vs 2 or occasionally 2 vs 1 matchups throughout four quarters. The other individuals on their respective teams have 1 job - pass it to that guy!
Anyways, enough of why I don't like the NBA that much, on to what I really want to talk about, Florida Gator Coach, no wait, make that Orlando Magic Coach, no wait, scratch that again, Florida Gator Coach Billy Donovan.
Most of you already know, so I won't link to the story, what Billy Donovan's situation is. I won't type out the details, but I want you pondering what is going through the mind of each of these individuals:
A basketball player playing for Florida (assuming Donovan ends up back at UF): Hi. This whole season I'll be playing for a coach who I can't tell if he really wants to be here or not. He flirted with the Orlando Magic job, and actually had the job for a few days. This is dumb. i'm not sure if I should trust him as my coach. how do I know he really wants to be here, he may just take another job next offseason.
A basketball player playing for the Magic (assuming Donovan stays with the Magic): Hi. I play for the Magic. I'm not sure if my coach really wants to coach me or not. He tried to get out of this job and head back to his college team. Why am I playing for a coach that doesn't want to be here. This is no fun. I think I will run coach over with my choo choo train tatoo.
Individuals in the front office of the Magic (assuming he ends up at UF): What a jerk!
Individuals in the front office for the Gators athletic association (assuming he stays with the Magic): um, was he serious or not?
Individuals in the front office for the Gators athletic association (assuming he comes back to UF): yay! Now we get to wait a whole nudder season before we have to hire a head coach. Should we continue to take resumes or what, guys? What if Anthony Grant's VCU team has a bad year next season? He might make us look silly for hiring him. this is quite a pickle.
Way to go, Billy Donovan. Now no one is going to trust you no matter what you do.
Anyways, enough of why I don't like the NBA that much, on to what I really want to talk about, Florida Gator Coach, no wait, make that Orlando Magic Coach, no wait, scratch that again, Florida Gator Coach Billy Donovan.
Most of you already know, so I won't link to the story, what Billy Donovan's situation is. I won't type out the details, but I want you pondering what is going through the mind of each of these individuals:
A basketball player playing for Florida (assuming Donovan ends up back at UF): Hi. This whole season I'll be playing for a coach who I can't tell if he really wants to be here or not. He flirted with the Orlando Magic job, and actually had the job for a few days. This is dumb. i'm not sure if I should trust him as my coach. how do I know he really wants to be here, he may just take another job next offseason.
A basketball player playing for the Magic (assuming Donovan stays with the Magic): Hi. I play for the Magic. I'm not sure if my coach really wants to coach me or not. He tried to get out of this job and head back to his college team. Why am I playing for a coach that doesn't want to be here. This is no fun. I think I will run coach over with my choo choo train tatoo.
Individuals in the front office of the Magic (assuming he ends up at UF): What a jerk!
Individuals in the front office for the Gators athletic association (assuming he stays with the Magic): um, was he serious or not?
Individuals in the front office for the Gators athletic association (assuming he comes back to UF): yay! Now we get to wait a whole nudder season before we have to hire a head coach. Should we continue to take resumes or what, guys? What if Anthony Grant's VCU team has a bad year next season? He might make us look silly for hiring him. this is quite a pickle.
Way to go, Billy Donovan. Now no one is going to trust you no matter what you do.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
I woke up this morning to the sound of rain drops! After several weeks of wildfires, smoke, and ash we finally received what we have all been hoping for - rain!
Here's a little rain question for you regarding rain:
What do most people do when it is raining:
A - Complain that the game might be cancelled while driving to the stadium anyways.
B - Sit inside and watch TV or play video games.
C - Mow the Lawn
D - Run out and dance in it and take a few pictures of the sight no one has seen in several weeks.
I'm not sure...my guess is B.
But I chose D, took a few pictures and did a little celebratory rain dance outside. Here are my pictures:

This is a few puddles on our driveway

Ah, doesn't it look so refreshing?

That's a puddle in our yard.

The sky. you can't see the rain drops but believe me they are there.

This one you can kind of see the rain drops falling off the edge of the roof if you look close enough.
On a final note, the tropical storm is pretty severe south of us. Many areas are getting heavier rain with a pretty heavy wind. I guess the weather is never perfect across the entire globe. Let's hope they don't get hit too hard.
Here's a little rain question for you regarding rain:
What do most people do when it is raining:
A - Complain that the game might be cancelled while driving to the stadium anyways.
B - Sit inside and watch TV or play video games.
C - Mow the Lawn
D - Run out and dance in it and take a few pictures of the sight no one has seen in several weeks.
I'm not sure...my guess is B.
But I chose D, took a few pictures and did a little celebratory rain dance outside. Here are my pictures:
This is a few puddles on our driveway
Ah, doesn't it look so refreshing?
That's a puddle in our yard.
The sky. you can't see the rain drops but believe me they are there.
This one you can kind of see the rain drops falling off the edge of the roof if you look close enough.
On a final note, the tropical storm is pretty severe south of us. Many areas are getting heavier rain with a pretty heavy wind. I guess the weather is never perfect across the entire globe. Let's hope they don't get hit too hard.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Onions or Opinions?
I just read a fantastic post by my buddy and relative John regarding what could best be described as handling "COC Doctrine".
We have all of these questions about the Bible and why some churches do things different. We say "well, we take the Lord's supper everyday because...." and then we list a bunch of facts, some biblical, some just traditional. Then the other person responds..."well we dont' do it as often because...." and it seems like the discussion never ends.
Here's a question I want to ask. If you want it to be rhetorical, then it'll be rhetorical. If you don't want it to be and want to chime in on something, then that's great too. But...here's the question:
At what point to church doctrine questions simply become opinions?
Can it be that in some people's opinion, it is rebuking authority for a woman to preach, and in other people's opinion it doesn't give the woman any more authority than men? Could it be that in some people's opinion, using a greek word in sermons is speaking in tongues and in other people's opinion it isn't? And can it be just a mere opinion if we think sugar free grape juice from concentrate is not authentic fruit of the vine?
When we turn to a scripture to argue our point...are we using the scripture to state a fact about our church or are we using the scripture to support our opinions?
What is it about opinions that make life so difficult?
Hold that thought/question, and let's talk about baseball statistics for a second (wow, I just love those posts where I talk about the Bible and Baseball AT THE SAME TIME!!!). I don't really consider myself a stat head, but nor would I say I never use those "advanced stats". Some of them I absolutely can't stand (park factors, defensive measurements), some I love and use all the time (OPS+ and ERA+), and some of them I'm kind of neutral towards (pythagorean record, WPA). I guess how I feel towards them just depends on how conclusive they are. Anyways, stats are becoming more and more advanced and so is what we use these stats for.
For example, there are a number of stats to sort by to determine the "best hitter". In the old days, we would sort by average, on base percentage, homers, RBI's, slugging %, etc, to determine the "best hitter". However, times have changed. We no longer have to sort through 6-7 stats. A few people have developed their own "one stat" that determines how good someone really is. With just a few clicks you can see who is the highest above league average in total offense or you can see how many wins one player has provided for your team. Simply just click sort above that stat labeled "awesomeness" and it will sort from overall best to overall worst.
But here is where I am going with all of this...why must statheads try to turn opinions into facts? Isn't the "best hitter" supposed to be an opinion? Yet why does that very question (best hitter) seem more and more like a fact with every new stat I learn of? (By the way, no offense to you statheads. I know there are 3-4 that read this blog. FYI I find what you do very interesting and wish I was smart enough to do it myself). I mean, why don't I hire my own stathead to help me figure out which one is better tasting, BBQ ribs or lasagna?
Answer: because it is an opinion.
I think we, including myself need to sit back on ponder exactly what is and isn't an opinion. That will make life much easier and less confusing (or maybe more confusing, depending on the opinion).
Ministry is messy. This Monday I will have been a minister for a year. I wish I can put into words where my emotions have taken me this past year, but i'm just not that aesthetic. I love the Church of Christ affiliation. But I don't think we are perfect....I don't think there is a single organization/denomination/whatever your word for it is/affiliationthat is perfect simply because they are all made up of humans. I love CoC and plan on staying with them till the end. We all have our different beliefs and opinions. A lot of us have them so beat into our hearts that we aren't even aware that they are opinions...we think they are facts.
Discerning facts and opinions is something that I will always have to deal with...something that is very hard...but that is just another one of those stinking opinions.
We have all of these questions about the Bible and why some churches do things different. We say "well, we take the Lord's supper everyday because...." and then we list a bunch of facts, some biblical, some just traditional. Then the other person responds..."well we dont' do it as often because...." and it seems like the discussion never ends.
Here's a question I want to ask. If you want it to be rhetorical, then it'll be rhetorical. If you don't want it to be and want to chime in on something, then that's great too. But...here's the question:
At what point to church doctrine questions simply become opinions?
Can it be that in some people's opinion, it is rebuking authority for a woman to preach, and in other people's opinion it doesn't give the woman any more authority than men? Could it be that in some people's opinion, using a greek word in sermons is speaking in tongues and in other people's opinion it isn't? And can it be just a mere opinion if we think sugar free grape juice from concentrate is not authentic fruit of the vine?
When we turn to a scripture to argue our point...are we using the scripture to state a fact about our church or are we using the scripture to support our opinions?
What is it about opinions that make life so difficult?
Hold that thought/question, and let's talk about baseball statistics for a second (wow, I just love those posts where I talk about the Bible and Baseball AT THE SAME TIME!!!). I don't really consider myself a stat head, but nor would I say I never use those "advanced stats". Some of them I absolutely can't stand (park factors, defensive measurements), some I love and use all the time (OPS+ and ERA+), and some of them I'm kind of neutral towards (pythagorean record, WPA). I guess how I feel towards them just depends on how conclusive they are. Anyways, stats are becoming more and more advanced and so is what we use these stats for.
For example, there are a number of stats to sort by to determine the "best hitter". In the old days, we would sort by average, on base percentage, homers, RBI's, slugging %, etc, to determine the "best hitter". However, times have changed. We no longer have to sort through 6-7 stats. A few people have developed their own "one stat" that determines how good someone really is. With just a few clicks you can see who is the highest above league average in total offense or you can see how many wins one player has provided for your team. Simply just click sort above that stat labeled "awesomeness" and it will sort from overall best to overall worst.
But here is where I am going with all of this...why must statheads try to turn opinions into facts? Isn't the "best hitter" supposed to be an opinion? Yet why does that very question (best hitter) seem more and more like a fact with every new stat I learn of? (By the way, no offense to you statheads. I know there are 3-4 that read this blog. FYI I find what you do very interesting and wish I was smart enough to do it myself). I mean, why don't I hire my own stathead to help me figure out which one is better tasting, BBQ ribs or lasagna?
Answer: because it is an opinion.
I think we, including myself need to sit back on ponder exactly what is and isn't an opinion. That will make life much easier and less confusing (or maybe more confusing, depending on the opinion).
Ministry is messy. This Monday I will have been a minister for a year. I wish I can put into words where my emotions have taken me this past year, but i'm just not that aesthetic. I love the Church of Christ affiliation. But I don't think we are perfect....I don't think there is a single organization/denomination/whatever your word for it is/affiliationthat is perfect simply because they are all made up of humans. I love CoC and plan on staying with them till the end. We all have our different beliefs and opinions. A lot of us have them so beat into our hearts that we aren't even aware that they are opinions...we think they are facts.
Discerning facts and opinions is something that I will always have to deal with...something that is very hard...but that is just another one of those stinking opinions.
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