Saturday, June 2, 2007


I woke up this morning to the sound of rain drops! After several weeks of wildfires, smoke, and ash we finally received what we have all been hoping for - rain!

Here's a little rain question for you regarding rain:

What do most people do when it is raining:

A - Complain that the game might be cancelled while driving to the stadium anyways.
B - Sit inside and watch TV or play video games.
C - Mow the Lawn
D - Run out and dance in it and take a few pictures of the sight no one has seen in several weeks.

I'm not guess is B.

But I chose D, took a few pictures and did a little celebratory rain dance outside. Here are my pictures:

This is a few puddles on our driveway

Ah, doesn't it look so refreshing?

That's a puddle in our yard.

The sky. you can't see the rain drops but believe me they are there.

This one you can kind of see the rain drops falling off the edge of the roof if you look close enough.

On a final note, the tropical storm is pretty severe south of us. Many areas are getting heavier rain with a pretty heavy wind. I guess the weather is never perfect across the entire globe. Let's hope they don't get hit too hard.

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