Thursday, May 22, 2008

Who goes down?

According to AJC,, and a host of other news sites, the Atlanta Braves are to prepare for the return of Soriano, Smoltz, and Gonzalez.

This creates a logjam. We have 3 to send down. The way the bullpen has been throwing lately, it isn't going to be an easy decision. Let's speculate.

1. Jorge Campillo came up for Soriano.

2. Jo Jo Reyes came up for Smoltz (technically, it was Chuck James, but through a series of events it Reyes ended up being the replacement).

3. Gonzo wasn't on the 25 man roster at the start of the season.

It's interesting, because Jo Jo Reyes won't go back down when Smoltz returns. You don't send down a starter when a reliever returns (of course, when a Starter goes down and returns as a reliever, everything gets out of whack. With Smoltz and Soriano in the pen, we'll have a Closer being paid Starter money, and a setup being paid closer money. Perfect).

All we can do is speculate. Here are some things to consider:

1. We know one of our LOOGYs will go. There's no way we'll have Ring, Ohman, and Gonzo. It's a shame, because I like Ohman and Ring. Even if they aren't that bad at getting righties out, Bobby is too old school to go with three southpaws in the pen.

2. Even though Campillo was originally up to replace Soriano, I doubt Bobby sends him down. He's done a decent job. He was magnificent in his spot start, although I'm not a fan of putting him on the pedastal that many commentors on the blogs have been doing. (It was one start - 78 pitches, people). Let's determine his value after 3-4 of those. I'm not trying to downplay what he did though. It'd be foolish to ask for anything more than that from a spot starter in a situation like that. He threw 78 pitches and about 70 of them were beauties!

3. There's always the possibility that Bobby will take someone who is out of options (Chris Resop, for example) and do one of those not really hurt DL stints to keep him from having to go to waivers. He did this with Pena just over a week ago. The thing is though, if Resop were DFA'd I would be shocked if another team claimed him. I mean, if you spell his name backwards it's "Poser" which is what he is when he's throwing those 97 mph fastballs right at the barrel of the battter's bats. They don't stay on the barrell long though. Quite often the ball then goes to the outfield, if we're lucky.

4. Some have suggested that we send down one of our many backup infielders. It's not a bad suggestion, but I don't think it will happen. We won't go with 13 pitchers. We did this last year for a stretch and the lack of bench drove me crazy (and Bobby Cox, I'm sure). Just seems like a bad idea. Plus, I like our bench this year. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like this year we have a better group of reserves than we've had in quite awhile (ignoring the fact that none of them play SS adequately). I'm not necessarily a fan of have so many bench players that have the same role (backup infielders that don't play SS that have the same (in general) hitting style. Anyways...

OK, so I'm gonna take my shot at it. 3 pitchers are coming up. Three are going down. Who would I send down? Well, I'll answer the question...but just know it won't happen:


That's who I'd send down. I know, I know, I didn't cut any of the Loogy's. Again, this isn't what will happen. Bobby is too old school to go with three lefties in the pen. I like Ohman and Ring as the Loogy's and I'd use Mike Gonzalez to get the Lefties AND the Righties out. What, relievers can do that?

So that's who I'd send down. As for who will actually go down? My guess is:


Note: Buddy Carlyle made the decision pretty tough as well. Remember, he is also on the DL. If he was healthy, Bobby would probably cut Carlyle before Acosta. If it was me, As soon as he got healthy I'd just send him back down. Just thought I'd mention that he makes it kind of tough because you can't replace Carlyle's spot if he's DLed.

That's my thoughts. What about you? Who would you send down?

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