Saturday, July 21, 2007

what would I look like as a simpsons character?

That is a question that was recently answered because I finally simpsonized myself. This is something I've been meaning to try out for awhile but haven't' had the chance.

It's a pretty neat little thing. I guess mine kind of looks like me. the picture I submitted was one that was taken when I hadn't shaved in awhile, so my Simpsons character is more scruffy looking than I represent.

Here is what I would look like as a simpsons character (that hasn't shaved in awhile):

If you haven't simpsonized yourself yet, give it a shot! It doesn't take long at all and is good for some laughs.


Tim Willms said...

Where did you get your "Simpsonizing" done?

Chris Petty said...

Hey Tim,

Simpsonize yourself right here: