Thursday, July 26, 2007

More simpsonized fun...

Yes, it's true, I can't get over how addicting this is. Deadspin has a nice link featuring a contest between the best-looking simpsonized Red Sox player.

This got my wheels turning. I wonder what a juiced up Bonds would look like on the simpsons. so I put him in the machine and here is the results:

I've had lots of fun simpsonizing myself as well as Jenny.

Simpsonize Me has been running very slowly the past several days, probably due to increased popularity. It's still fun and worth it though.

the movie comes out tomorrow! It's gonna be insane!

P.S. I don't want to keep hitting on the same topic, but does anybody else have the feeling we are going to give up way too much for Teixeira?

1 comment:

Chris Petty said...

Bonds isn't that skinny