Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Our Message(s)

What!?! can it be? a new post from Petty's Ponderings? Sure enough. Sorry it's been awhile. The knee is better, still struggling to walk at times but right now I'm probably about 75% healed. The last 25 will come very slowly according to the doctors...quite possibly several months. But hey, as long as I'm walking.

I wanna discuss something I've been struggling with lately, and that is our message. I'm not talking about what we teach, i'm talking about our message that is indirectly communicated from our actions.

Parents teach their kids something when the kid hears mommy yelling at a telemarketer over the phone. The kids are watching what daddy looks at on TV and that sends a message. If Dave receives too much change at the cash register, Dave's kids are sent a message when Dave sneaks out of the store hoping no one realizes their mistake.

Now to take it further...What do you do if doing the right thing sends the wrong message?

I never really thought that it was possible for such a scenario to even exist. But that is kind of the dilemma I am in. I cannot release details at this time, but hopefully tings will pan out. I'm open to thoughts on the question above, What do you do when doing the right thing sends the wrong message?

Random thoughts on MLB, The Braves:
Not much to say, as usual I thought some all stars were undeserving and some were left off. I guess it is to be expected. Doesn't really matter though because either way the NL doesn't stand a chance without a miracle (1996 was the last time the NL won the Midsummer classic)

Random thoughts on the NBA draft:
I'm a Bulls fan (but one could argue a strong case that I'm not an NBA fan at all), but it will be obnoxious watching Joakim Noah play for the Bulls, a first round draft pick that I wasn't really impressed with.

Random thoughts on NASCAR:
they are loud and go zoom

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