Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Two different Wickmans?

I'll be honest...I'm in such shock right now that I have had a hard time trying to figure out how to put this in words right now. Kudos to Matt for pointing this out to me, he gets credit for this blog post (Thanks, Matt!)

Apparently there are two different Bob Wickmans. I can't believe I hadn't already noticed this, but look at his Home/Away Splits.

That is the biggest difference between two splits that I can recall off the top of my head, thanks Matt for pointing that out to me. Maybe we should just not let Wickman get on the plane when we travel.

1 comment:

John Wright said...

They put up a graphic to that effect during one of the recent home games, and I couldn't believe it either. What's so great about pitching at home that it makes such a huge difference?

It's probably nothing, but that's a pretty big effect.